How to manage Christmas As A Separated Parent Pt2

This blog continues our series of top tips to manage Christmas as a separated parent. The other tips in our series can be found here. Tip 2: Christmas concerts and other events Christmas is a busy time for children. Everything gets really exciting, with bright lights, tinsel and Christmas music everywhere they go. They might have nativity plays, Christmas concerts, carol services and other events to attend.  They might even get to go and see Santa and his reindeers! But as a…

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Gifts and Tax Planning

The economic downturn caused by the pandemic has certain advantages that you may wish to consider now. Are you thinking about assisting a family member who has lost their job and is currently experiencing financial difficulty? Gifting money to family members would not give rise to Capital Gains Tax (‘CGT’), but it may assist your Inheritance Tax (‘IHT’) position. Each of us is given a threshold of £325,000 (known as the nil rate band) whereby our estate has no IHT liability. Any gifts…

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How to manage Christmas as a separated parent

Christmas can be a tricky time when you’re a separated parent.  Even if you’ve been separated for a while, issues can arise if you haven’t put in place arrangements that work within your own separated family dynamic. So how can you help make your festive season go more smoothly? This series of blogs will give you our top tips. Tip 1: When will the children be with you Consider early on what arrangements might work for you all. The children could split their time…

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UK Surrogacy Laws in the 21st Century – An Overview

Although surrogacy arrangements are common in the UK, they are not enforceable; it is therefore difficult if things go wrong. The laws on surrogacy are set out in the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. The arrangement of surrogacy is a process which involves a woman (the surrogate) carrying a child for a couple (the commissioning parents). There are two types of surrogacy arrangement and it is important that any agreement be entered into prior to…

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Bullying In The Workplace Is Real

This week is anti-bullying week, something I find very important.  Having three children, I am often taken back to the days at school where I was relentlessly bullied for years at primary, and despite a school move, my bully reappeared and attempted the same moves she had done before.  Although this time I had built up new friendships, I was determined not to let her ruin my new found happiness and friendships.  I responded to the abusive comments, instead of…

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Marriage and Civil Partnerships -v- Cohabitation – How do they differ in relation to the parties’ finances upon the breakdown of their relationship?

When parties enter a marriage or civil partnership they voluntarily decide to form a union; they intentionally enter a contract with the knowledge that it gives rise to obligations. Parties who enter a cohabiting relationship enter no such contract or voluntary union. Cohabitation is viewed quite differently to marriage, particularly in the eyes of the law. The phrase “common law marriage” is a very big misconception and does not exist regardless of how long a couple have been together. Upon breakdown of…

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Are You Being Denied Access To Your Child?

When parents separate, it is not uncommon for a dispute to arise over living and contact arrangements. Parents will be encouraged to deal with the issues between themselves for example with the assistance of a Mediator or through Lawyer negotiations. If, however one parent is actively denying the other parent reasonable contact, as a last resort, it is possible to make an application to Court under the Children Act 1989. The type of order that is required to deal with…

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The Importance Of Taking Stock Of Your Digital Assets

When people envisage what the term ‘digital asset’ actually means, they are likely to imagine crypto-currency and feel that it is not something that they personally need to consider when planning their Will.  However, the term covers a vast array of ‘assets’ that many people now own and would not even consider an asset, as it is not something that is tangible. When planning your will, you must reach past all that is tangible and that can be physically…

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Why You Should Make A Will In A Pandemic!

If  you don’t have a Will, this is the right time to make one. The current crisis is the perfect time to consider what will happen to your estate on your death. Quite often, making a Will finds itself at the bottom of the to-do list.      There are a number of reasons why you may be reluctant to make a Will. Some people tend to think that it is a complicated task, or they simply do not want…

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